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Roaring Waves (Bayside Tigers #5) Page 2

  Wise ass... Penny thought folding her arms.

  Chapter Four

  Ryder hauled off Penny's Pink and frilly suitcases with both hands.

  "Can we just talk about this, please?" Penny said stomping her foot and rolling her eyes. "I'm not going to tell anyone about your little secret."

  Ryder Chuckled, dropping her stuff on the dock.

  "You think I care that you know I'm a weretiger. Everyone knows, Penny. You're getting kicked off because I need laser focus if I want any hope of winning this race. Right now, you're no better than dead weight..."


  Penny cast a glance further up the docks and saw a short, but nicely dressed man holding an envelope. She tilted her head to the side wondering who it was.

  "Mr. Strong. Mr. Strong," the dapper looking man called out.

  Ryder stopped and spotted the man. "Yeah, what do you want?"

  "Hi, I'm Casey Katz. A messenger on the behalf of the Bayside Regatta committee. You are cordially invited to the annual Regatta Gala where all participants, especially alphas, are required to attend."

  "Shit!" Ryder mouthed. "I'm not going this year."

  "But sir, you must. Your eligibility for the race depends on it. Plus, Estella will be there..."

  Penny fell silent not understanding why some fancy dance had Ryder so flustered.

  "Estella's going to be there, huh?" Ryder asked.

  "Yes, sir. Speaking of dates, do you have a plus one or are you going to be attending...miserably and utterly alone," Casey sassed.

  Ryder gulped hard, and turned his eye on Penny. He went over the options in his mind. Anyone one but her! But he had few choices.

  "Yes, Ms. Lane. My darling, Penny is my date," he grumbled.

  Penny shifted around. What?

  "Good, then it's settled. Please be there tonight wearing your absolute best," Casey nodded one last time and trekked his way back to his fancy car. Penny only had one question on her mind. Well, several—actually. But only one that stood out above the rest.

  "Who's Estella?" she asked.

  Ryder scratched the dark stubble on his chin. "She's my ex-mate."

  Penny shook her head. "Your what?"

  "She's my ex-wife," Ryder admitted.

  Chapter Five

  Ryder knew just by looking at Penny's frumpy and dowdy taste in clothes that she'd need a total make over. He leered at Penny as she took a bite of her Twizzlers. Penny flinched.

  "Heeeey, I wasn't finished eating that?!"

  Ryder wrested the delicious strings of candy from her grasp.

  "You're not going to the party like this?" he demanded.

  Penny eyed him confused, pushing up her glasses at the end of her nose and twirling in her paisley dress. "Like what?"

  Ryder threw down his hands. "With red candy stuck in your teeth. And a dress so homely it makes you look like a Librarian in desperate need of a good plow."

  Penny upturned her lip. How did he expect me to dress? She thought. Penny always worn knee length dresses with heavy cardigan sweaters. Sure, a few of them were moth eaten—but hey, what do expect off a teacher's salary?

  "Don't try to change me..." she said.

  Ryder groped her hips, forcing Penny to swallow hard.

  "I'm not trying to change you. I want you to see yourself for what you are. There's a sexy woman, with mouthwatering curves, dying to jump out of you—but, only if you let her..."

  They looked upon one another. And Ryder felt a flush of urgent desire. He had a burning hunger to taste her lips and take her fully into his mouth. Penny's heart pounded in her chest.

  Most of the guys Penny dated in the past—not that her and Ryder were really dating—just told her that she was stocky and fat. She rarely felt at home in her own skin, and liked to hide everything under her kooky dresses.

  Penny pursed her lips. "Fine, maybe my adorkable style is a little old fashioned..."

  "You look like a grandma..." Ryder grunted.

  Penny Lane rocked back and punched Ryder in his grumpy cat arm.

  She followed behind Ryder to his gleaming slate blue sports car.

  "Get inside," he growled.

  They only had a couple of hours before the Gala and had to find Penny a ball gown. Penny worried that she'd look like a big Twizzler eating cow in front of all the fancy rich people of Bayside. Even so, it still felt nice to hear Ryder say something kind about her.

  For once!


  Penny wobbled out of the car locked in arm and arm with the handsome Ryder Strong.

  "Just be quiet and let me do most of the talking," Ryder lowly rumbled.

  The Gala looked even more beautiful than Penny ever imagined. Crystals hung from the ceiling on enormous chandeliers. Dressing up and going out was completely new for Penny. She never even attended her homecoming dance...not even prom!

  She stopped as the two of them were just about to stroll into the ballroom.

  "Just stop...I don’t want to go in there," Penny cried out.

  Ryder pulled her to the side. "Penny you're making a scene!"

  "No, I can't go in there. I'm not like you," She glanced at the other finely dressed women with perfect bodies. "And, I'm not like them. I'm just an ugly small town girl. Who likes home cooked food and watching old rom-coms on netflix."

  Ryder spoke forcefully. "Penny, the only ugly thing about you is the fact that you can't love yourself."

  Penny's lip started to quiver, and Ryder knew if he wanted to get her ass out there, he'd have to pull out the big guns.

  He shook her, and Penny jerked up.

  "The day I met you, I wanted to bend you over the railing on my boat, snatch up your dress and spread your legs for my hungry mouth..."

  Penny had a bewildered look in her eyes.

  "If you only knew what those fucking hips of yours do to me, whenever you strayed into my room...Now, get your ass in there—and let's dance."

  Penny moved ahead shocked, not quite knowing what to say. Did wealthy billionaire weretiger Ryder Strong just admit he's thirsty for me? Penny gulped.

  Just as she took his hand and started to waltz. Someone tapped on Ryder's shoulder.

  Ryder swiveled around and faced another tall and gorgeous man with a grinning jaw.

  "Stratton Claw," Ryder grimaced.

  "None other," Stratton replied in a British accent. "Looking forward to beating you—again, Ryder."

  "You don't know the waters of Bayside like me. I grew up here. You'll never beat me on my own turf..." Ryder roared.

  Stratton chuckled sipping from a champagne glass. "Seems like I already did..."

  Stratton shouldered out of the way so Ryder could see Estella, his ex-wife and mate, laughing with some other guests. Penny observed the bitter sadness in Ryder's eyes. It's obvious that he still had a love for his ex-mate and mother to his dead daughter. Penny flung her wine in the middle of Stratton's tuxedo pants.

  "Whoops, I'm all thumbs," she shrugged and said with an innocent twinkle in her eyes. Stratton grumbled, marching off to the bathroom.

  Ryder arched a brow while stifling his deep laugh. He led her out again in center of the ballroom amazed at her beautiful transformation from the Twizzler eating freak she once was. Penny gasped when Ryder pulled her in close.

  "Open your mouth so I can taste you," he growled.

  Penny parted her lips and Ryder gripped her ass and took her into his hot mouth.

  Chapter Six

  This is happening! This is really happening!

  Penny's thoughts raced through her head. Ryder pulled Penny's hair taut in the front seat of his convertible when they arrived at his boat house. She exhaled hard while Ryder sucked eagerly along her neck. Penny straddled his hips and Ryder groped her luscious curvy thighs.

  "God, I so badly want to taste your pussy I can't stand it," Ryder growled.

  It stunned Penny that a man so desperately wanted to rip off her clothes.

  "Woah!" she cried when Ryder abruptly
reclined the passenger's seat and forced himself between Penny's soft warm thighs. Her heart nearly exploded as Ryder's gorging erection grazed her panties. Ryder relentlessly crushed Penny underneath his weight before taking her in his mouth again.

  Ryder squinted his eyes at the taste of Twizzlers, but ignored it because his desire to fuck the life out her pushed him much more. Penny wanted it so bad she squeezed her arm down to his crotch and started to undo the buckle on Ryder's belt.

  "I just want to feel you inside me!" she squealed.

  A sinister grin spread across Ryder's face. "Believe me, I'll ram my cock in you so hard you'll beg me stop, but first...I want a taste."

  Ryder's eyes transfixed on the white cotton panties nestled so innocently for the taking. Ryder seized them in his hand, unleashing the inner beast inside. His firey tiger eyes flashed under the midnight glow of the moon.

  Penny shuddered as her moist folds got fully licked by Ryder's scratchy tongue. With one hand, he pinned her thigh down. And with the other, he slipped his finger deep inside Penny's trembling heat.

  Penny’s terror melted away as she moaned into Ryder's sweaty chest. She never had a man go down on her so eagerly. So infatuated with her scent and taste. So craving of every inch of her curvy body. Penny wanted to know why. Why a beast like Ryder would long for a plain Jane like her?

  Ryder rose up, firmly groping Penny's breasts in both of his hands. He then tongued her hot mouth, making her clench her thighs.

  "Get up," Ryder roared, forcing Penny up. He then took her by the hand and they both ran laughing to his boat house. A feverish energy surged through Penny's body. Was she nervous? Was she scared?

  The two of them drunkenly stumbled into the hatch and Ryder thrust Penny down onto his bed. What's it like to have sex with a weretiger? Penny considered. The whole thing felt like losing it for the first time all over again. Ryder gazed down at her. Penny smiled, shimming off her peep toe shoes.

  Ryder snaked out of his tuxedo jacket and slowly undid the buttons on his nicely pressed shirt. Penny bit her bottom lip not able to wait anymore. She scooted up towards the edge of the bed and forcefully unzipped him.

  "Well, okay then," he darkly uttered.

  Ryder's big cat cock sprung up against his tight and tan stomach. He crawled on top of her, massaging her moist clit with his swollen cock.

  "Tell me how badly you want my cock inside you..."

  "Fill me," Penny begged, melting into the bed at the thought of Ryder thrusting inside her.

  Ryder pulsed his cock inside of Penny's warm sheath and she grinded her hips on his hard rigid cock. Ryder rutted her like a bitch in need of a deep and hard breeding. Ryder embraced Penny and her breasts pressed up against his sweaty chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. Penny whimpered as he closed his mouth over her nipples while pumping her furiously.

  Penny wouldn't dare let go, feeling Ryder's thickness thrust inside her. Her fingers scraped his back as her thighs clenched. Ryder pant loudly, shutting his eyes hard. He rocked her back and forth as he came inside her. Immediately, he fell back, still groping Penny's sweaty thighs.

  Penny breathed hot, trying to catch her breath, rolling over to face him.

  "Hi," she giggled.

  "Hi," Ryder growled, laughing.


  Ryder streaked his fingers through Penny's hair, his eyes half-closed and his body spent from ecstasy. Penny noticed something glossy underneath his pillow. She tugged it free. And her eyes went wide when she saw it was a picture of Ryder and his daughter. Ryder's little Penny had these bright golden eyes and furry tiger ears at the top of her head.

  "Ryder?" Penny asked, raising her voice.

  "Uh-huh," he grunted.

  "How did Penny die?"

  Ryder abruptly rose upright, yanking the old dog eared photo out of Penny's hand.

  "She drowned. And it’s my fault."


  "She got into one of my sail boats. I’d spent so much of my time obsessed with winning boat races, that I hardly spent time with her. One morning, she got on one of my boats to impress me. But she couldn’t steer, and the boat capsized."

  Penny rubbed Ryder's hairy arm. "What happened with Estella?"

  "Estella could never forgive me for my mistake. An alpha is supposed to protect his cubs. She was heartbroken, the clan disowned me and she left," Ryder tucked the photo right back where Penny found it.

  He then kissed Penny in her hair. "We've got a full day tomorrow. I've got only two more weeks to practice for the Bayside Regatta."

  Penny silently agreed with a nod.

  Ryder then rolled on his side and flicked off the light.

  Chapter Seven

  When Penny awoke, she let her hand drift to the other side of the bed. She didn't feel Ryder's heat only the cold sheets. Penny jumped up, pulling on Ryder's massive button down shirt. She savored his animal musk, sniffing the collar. Carefully, she made her way up to the deck where she saw Ryder standing, shirtless in his tight briefs, steering the boat.

  Penny smiled. "Where to Captain?"

  Ryder rotated and lunged for her, taking Penny into his arms.

  "The wind's picking up, I'm going to need you to release the sails."

  Penny looked up at how high the ropes were, and then shook her head.

  "Nu-uh. Not doing it..." She folded her arms. "Do I look teeny to you. Climbing up that ladder will be the end of my curvy ass..."

  Ryder rolled his eyes. "Stop being a baby, and get up there! No mate of mine is going to be afraid of heights."

  Penny trembled when she climbed on the rope ladder. Her body bobbed with the unsteady churning waters below. She felt dizzy seeing how far she was in the air.

  I think I'm gonna hurl. She thought.

  "Don't look down!" Ryder hollered from below, his tanned abs flexed in the bright sunshine. "Just look up and yank the ropes as hard as you can."

  Penny gulped. She reached out her chubby hand. Her fingers barely touched the rope.

  "GRAB IT!" Ryder shouted.

  Penny grabbed it again, with her eyes clenched and yanked it with all of her might.

  A brisk wind blew he hair back as the massive white sails unfurled in the sky.

  "OH MY GOD! I DID IT" she cried, jumping up and down. Ryder grinned proud, clapping down below.

  Penny's foot didn't quite catch the ladder and she lost her balance. Penny wobbled and fell backwards. She closed her eyes, fearing the absolute worst.


  "I'm not always gonna be there to catch you," Ryder warned with a low husky tone. Penny nearly wrapped her arms around Ryder’s neck, She nearly chocked him when she kissed him on the lips. A cocky grin stretched on Ryder's face.

  "I think saving my life deserves a reward..." Penny purred.


  Two weeks had passed. Slowly, Penny started to get the hang of sailing on the open seas. She didn't want to go back to her old life as a school teacher. Not after breathing fresh air every morning and making hot passionate love with Ryder at night. Penny heard a distressing weather report over the ship radio.

  "They say it's supposed to rain on the day of the race," she told Ryder.

  Ryder hugged her close, seeing her worried eyes. "It's okay. I'm heading into town to get some extra supplies."

  Penny spent so much time on Ryder's boat (and on Ryder!), she hardly got a chance to see Bayside. Ryder helped her down to the dock. She took a look at the boat sloshing next to theirs.


  Penny read its name.

  "Stratton's boat..." Ryder grumbled.

  Penny huffed. "Guess, this jerk doesn't know there's gonna be a new champion in this town."

  Ryder smiled as the two of them stepped into the hardware store. Penny proudly strutted around in her new ivory chiffon dress that Ryder bought for her. Even prouder that she cheekily wore no panties.

  "Oomph!" she cried and looked up.

  Stratton Claw stood right in front of he
r. He gazed at her with an unbearably annoying smile.

  "Excuse you," Penny sassed, throwing back her curly red hair.

  "My, my," Stratton darkly growled in his posh English accent. "You've loosened up quite a bit since the last time I saw you..."

  "Get out of my way!" Penny rolled her eyes.

  "Let me guess, has Mr. Strong been giving you nice hard rogering? Must be, because it's like I'm seeing this whole new wild side."

  Penny fumed, pushing the tall sinewy Stratton in his lean athletic chest.

  "Aww, don't be like that, Love. If you fancy having it off with a real alpha, just ask..." Stratton then slipped his hand up Penny's dress, and she swallowed hard. Stratton then pulled away his fingers and inhaled her scent.

  "Christ, a woman's scent is like the nectar of the Gods..." he whispered in Penny's ear. Penny trembled against him, watching him pick up some ropes.

  "I'd like to tie you up on my mast so I could fuck you as hard and as long as I pleased," Stratton growled in her ear.

  Penny pulled away as hard as she could. "When Ryder finds out what you said to me—"

  "Maybe he wouldn't believe me," Stratton shrugged and said. "But maybe he you want to risk everything you to have to find out? By the way, the weather's gonna be rough on race day...I hope you two are prepared. "

  A wicked smile curled in Stratton's cheek as he gazed at Penny with his golden eyes.

  "You're a bastard!" Penny hissed, feeling her blood boil in her veins. "I hope you'll be ready when we both kick your ass!"

  Stratton then stuffed his hands in his denim pockets and paced out of the hardware store.

  Chapter Eight

  Everyone showed up in their best pastel colored dresses for the Bayside Regatta. Penny waited in Ryder's boat shop. He said he had something urgent to tell her. Penny gulped afraid. Did Stratton tell him that cruel horrible lie?

  "Ah!" she cried, when Ryder grabbed her without warning from behind.

  "I know..." he whispered in her ear.

  Penny wasn't sure what he meant exactly. "Know what?"

  Ryder thrust her around in his grasp. "I know you hate big gestures. But the time we've spent together has awoken me. For so long, I didn't feel like I could love anything anymore after the death of my daughter..."